
Showing posts from 2021

All Birds Combinations 1.0.0 Released!

A new typeface from Mental Design! Check it out at

Basically A Sans Serif 1.1.0 Released!

This update contains the following: + adjustment to dot on i + additional support for latin languages Check it out at

Basically A Mono 1.2.1 Update Released!

An extensive update to BAM is out now! Check it out at .  We took updates and improvements while designing  Basically A Sans Serif  and ported those changes to BAM. Updates include: Improved letter spacing. Double story a as default with single story a as a stylistic set. Improved proportions between weights.

Basically A Sans Serif 1.0.0 Released!

After almost a year of coding and tuning, Basically A Sans Serif (BASS) is out! Check it out at